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Friday, May 28, 2010

Jim Jones Loses Control Over Max B's Career With Publishing Rights

by Justin T. Stewart May 28, 2010, 9:31am
Even though the rapper is facing a potential life sentence behind bars, Max B can raise his hands in celebration for a moment now that he is freed from Jim Jones.

With Jones essentially controlling the career of his former associate, a judge ruled that Jimmy could no longer have a hold on the incarcerated rapper's publishing rights.

Now, the rapper has the opportunity to finally release his long-awaited album Vigilante Season.


According to the judge, Max B had fulfilled his obligations under his 2005 recording contract and 2007 songwriting contract with Jones. With that said, the Capo no longer has any claim over any music recordings Max created with Amalgam, including songs used on Vigilante Season.
Speaking with XXL, representatives for the imprisoned Wavy one stated that the project will be released on Amalgam Digital, but there has yet to be any mention of a date to expect his latest.

Well, with that done Max, let's get back to trying to actually getting out of jail.

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